School Closure Update 3/17/2020

March 17, 2020

Dear Staff, Parents, and Community Members: 

I would like to begin this update with words of gratitude.  I want to thank R.S.U. No. 67 staff members for their efforts in preparing remote learning packets for every student in this district.  I am grateful for building and central office administration, our district nurse, and five members of our school level staff that assisted in handing out packets today.  I am especially grateful to our parents and community who ensured 96% of our learning packets were picked up today.  

Now that the learning packets are distributed, remote learning will begin for our students tomorrow.  Teachers will be available remotely from 8:00-2:00 to provide support to students and families.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher with specific questions. 

We had hoped to start meal delivery tomorrow, but unfortunately we will be unable to do so at this time.  We will provide detailed information to our families if we are able to provide this service in the future. 

As the status of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve in our state, so must our district’s response.  Every decision I make is always made with the health and safety of our children and staff at the forefront.  At this time, I have closed all schools, the bus garage, and the district office.  Only identified essential personnel will have access.  The district office is still receiving calls at 794-6500.  Please leave a message and we will and direct your call to the appropriate person as our administrative team and most employees are working remotely at this time. 

I am humbled by the support in our community during this time of great uncertainty.  Many community members have stepped forward and offered to support in any way possible.  Please accept my heartfelt thanks. 

At this time I cannot predict the duration of our school closure.  I will reassess our return to school as more information becomes available.   Please visit our website frequently for updates.  Thank you for your understanding and support in this time of tremendous uncertainty.


Jean Skorapa, Superintendent of Schools