Important Announcement from Superintendent Skorapa!

November 27, 2020

 Dear Staff, Parents, and Community Members:

This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual affiliated with Ella P. Burr School has tested positive for COVID-19.  We have taken steps with our response team to follow Maine Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education guidelines to notify anyone who is considered a close contact.  Any student or staff member who had direct exposure to the individual will be required to quarantine until December 8, 2020.  Individuals in quarantine will be contacted directly by CDC contact tracers and district personnel. 

 COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that ranges from mild to severe.  It can be more severe in adults 60 years and older and in those with underlying health conditions.  The virus mainly spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes and an uninfected person breathes in the virus.  Signs and symptoms include:

                ●fever / chills                                                                    ●new loss of taste / smell

                ●cough                                                                                 ●congestion / runny nose

                ●shortness of breath / difficulty breathing           ●nausea / vomiting

                ●fatigue                                                                               ●diarrhea

                ●muscle / body aches                                                    ●sore throat


Please keep in mind that many things can cause respiratory illness, so students should be up-to-date on influenza and routine vaccinations.

Maine CDC recommends prevention measures to help control the spread of COVID-19.  These measures include proper hand washing with soap and warm water, which is especially important after using the bathroom, before / after eating, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.  When soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and avoid close contact with people who are sick.  Cover your cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.  Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

 General questions regarding COVID-19 can be answered by calling 1-866-811-5695, you can text your zip code to 898-211, or email at or by calling your primary care provider.  More information can be found at www.maine/gov/dhhs/coronavirus or

Questions for the school can be directed to Jeri Davis, RN by calling 794-6711 or by emailing:


Jean M. Skorapa, Superintendent