Rachel's Challenge

The Community is invited to a Live Presentation on March 7th at 5:30 in the Mattanawcook Academy cafeteria.

Recommended Audience: The community members, parents, friends, and relatives of students that participated in a Rachel’s Challenge assembly program. This is not recommended for children under 6th grade.

Logistics: This will be a 60-minute assembly delivered by a certified Rachel’s Challenge presenter.

Program Description: This event introduces Rachel and her story to parents and community members using stories from her life and writings.  It is similar in content and intensity to the Rachel’s Challenge high school program. The Community Event shows the profound positive impact we have on those around us. It demonstrates to the listener the power of deliberately reaching out to others to start what Rachel called a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. The Community Event encourages participants to examine their own lives in the light of the following 5 challenges.


1. Look for the Best in Others

 2. Dream Big

3. Choose Positive Influences

4. Speak with Kindness

5. Start your own Chain Reaction