September 13, 2023

Dear RSU 67 staff, families, and community members,  

Back in July, I began writing weekly editions of the Superintendent’s Corner that were intended to inform the community and promote excitement about the opening of the 2022-2023 school year.  The feedback I received was positive and as a result, I will continue writing new editions of the Superintendent’s Corner approximately every two weeks.  The upcoming articles will focus on “RSU 67 Keys to Success” which will showcase the work of the district in meeting the needs of all students.  RSU 67 has excellent teachers and support staff, motivated students, engaged parents, and supportive communities who are all invested in making RSU 67 the very best it can be.  As a district, we are dedicated to continuous improvement for meeting the needs of all students, and I am honored to be a part of the outstanding work being done.  

In this first edition of the “RSU 67 Keys to Success,” I want to highlight the great work of our school nutrition program in meeting the nutritional needs of our students every day.  Research has shown us that hunger can have a substantially negative impact on students’ academic and social/emotional functioning.  According to “Feeding America,” 139,410 Maine people face hunger every day, and of that number, 39,990 are children.  In RSU 67, our kitchen staff are doing their part to ensure that no RSU 67 child goes hungry at school.  All meals in RSU 67 are free for students.  Approximately 300 students participate in the breakfast program and over 550 students participate in the hot lunch program.  Our kitchen staff plan, prepare, and deliver more than 850 meals each day, which amounts to more than 4,000 meals each week!  According to the 7th grade teachers at MJHS, “students are coming back to class saying they are full” and they “go out of their way to tell staff and teachers how excited they are about not only the portions, but also the quality of the food.”   Noting the negative impact that hunger has on learning, the teachers said that “the kitchen staff has done an amazing job of making sure our students are well fed and ready to learn!”  

For making a difference in the lives of students and families, the RSU 67 School Nutrition Program staff are an “RSU 67 Key to Success!”.  Thank you for all you do!!  

Combating hunger in our communities is just one way that RSU 67 staff go above and beyond to meet the needs of children and families.   In addition to our school nutrition program, each of our schools also manage a food pantry program, which supports many students and families in our school community.  If you, or anyone you know, needs food for their family, please contact a school administrator for further assistance.   

If anyone wishes to highlight an RSU 67 staff member or program, we want to hear from you.  Please write a brief paragraph about the person/program and how that person/program has made a difference in the lives of children, families, and/or the RSU 67 communities.  Send entries to with “Keys to Success” in the subject line.  

Until next time…...