The RSU 67 Strategic Planning Committee has used the data and feedback provided by students, staff, and community members to generate a draft of a new mission and vision statement.  These statements will be used by the committee to create a five-year plan for RSU 67.  The committee would love your feedback on these statements.   You can see the draft below with a link to a survey to provide comments.  The drafted document can also be found as a PDF on the Strategic Planning Section of the Website.

Draft Mission and Vision Statements

“Empowering Learners for Today and Tomorrow”

Draft Mission Statement

In partnership with students, staff, families, and our communities, RSU 67 provides a safe, welcoming, and engaging learning environment to inspire all students to be involved, contributing members of society.

Draft Vision Statement

RSU 67 strives to excite and inspire learning through a rigorous, relevant, and future-focused curriculum that empowers students to be active participants, critical thinkers, and problem solvers who are well-prepared to pursue their aspirations.  

We believe in

  • leadership that is committed to excellence and collaboration

  • open and transparent communication that builds trust and gains the support of the communities we serve 

  • high-quality educational experiences for all students by recruiting, retaining, supporting, and growing the best administrators, educators, and support staff

  • academic and social emotional programming that support diversity, equity, and educational excellence  

  • long-term and flexible planning to meet the changing needs of future learners 

  • fiscal responsibility and well-maintained facilities

Potential Core Values 

  • Innovation

  • Creativity

  • Collaboration

  • Kindness

  • Integrity

  • Academic Excellence 

  • Student Centered 

  • Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers

  • Engaged and Involved Students, Families, and Staff

  • Dignity and Respect for All

  • Accountability

 Please use this link to provide comments.