Third graders at EPB participating in WinterKids activity.
A reminder the Safe School Forum is tonight at 6:00 pm in the MA cafeteria. Hope to see you there.

A reminder, the third-grade concert scheduled for April 27 was rescheduled for this Thursday, May 4 at 1:00. The doors open at 12:30.
Due to a prolonged illness, Thursday's Third-Grade concert has been postponed until Thursday, May 4. Doors open at 12:30 and the concert begins at 1:00. Thank you for understanding.
Don't forget Math and Literacy Night at EPB on Thursday, April 13 from 5:00-6:30. There will be learning stations, face painting, and a free book for each EPB student who attends. We hope to see you there.
Due to the weather conditions, some buses are running a little late. Thank you for your understanding.
Pre-K/K registration for the 2023-24 school year will be held in the library at EPB on Monday, March 20 between 8:30 and 1:30.
Due to the weather, today's kindergarten concert has been postponed until next Thursday, March 9.

We have been getting phone calls about having no heat in the building. Please be assured, we have heat. Yesterday we had a classroom that didn't have heat due to a malfunctioning heater, but that was fixed. Ella Burr does have heat in all the classrooms. Thank you for your concern and understanding.
A new newsletter has been posted today and paper copies went home with students.
Due to illness, the kindergarten Christmas concert scheduled for Thursday, December 15, has been canceled. We are sorry for the short notice.
Check out the October 2022 Newsletter in the Documents section of the EPB Website or App.
There has been some discussion regarding parking in the mornings at EPB. The goal is, and always will be, keeping all of our students safe. The reason we do not allow parents to use the parking lot in the front of the school is due to bus traffic. We continue to look for ways to improve drop off in the morning that not only speed the process up, but also increases safety. If you have any questions or ideas, please call Mr. Loiselle at 794-3014.
The EPB Open House will be Monday, August 29 from 4:00-5:30. We are excited to see everyone.
Due to the wet conditions, today's Community Retiree Kindness Celebration has been moved to the EPB gym. There will be music, snacks, and a place to leave a message. There is no charge to join in this event but donations are being accepted for the EPB food pantry. Please join us in thanking Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Cloran, and Mrs. Smith.
If you didn't get a copy of the May/June Newsletter you can find it in the document section of the EPB website.
Don't forget EPBs Jungle Adventure, tonight from 5:00-6:30. There's lots of fun activities, book read aloud, snacks, and even free books for every family. We hope to see everyone for this once-a-year event.
If you have not read the March/April Newsletter, it can be found in the documents section of the EPB website.
Masks and tickets will NOT be required for the third-grade concert on Thursday, March 10. Doors open at 12:30 and the concert begins at 1:00.
The RSU No. 67 Board of Directors voted this evening to end universal masking effective immediately with the exception of our PreK program. Our four year old program will need to continue universal masking until Headstart regulations are changed to end universal masking.