Remote families, don't forget to pick up your student packets before 5:00 on Monday, December 21.
Packet pick up for all students will be Monday, December 21 from 7-5. Students who were in school on Thursday took their packets home but all other students, please come pick the learning materials for the week following vacation. Thank you.
Packet drop off and pick up will be from 8-5 on Friday, December 4. Please return the packet sent home before Thanksgiving and there will be a new packet with supplemental materials for next weeks remote lessons. It would be very helpful if you could write the teacher's name on the envelope when you return it. See you tomorrow.
Packet pick up for students in "white" classrooms and fully remote students will be from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm on Friday, December 11. "Blue" classrooms will be in person on Monday and Tuesday and will leave school on Tuesday with the materials for remote instruction to end the week.
Just a reminder you can pick up packets at EPB until 5:00 today.
Packet drop off and pick up will be from 8-5 on Friday, December 4. Please return the packet sent home before Thanksgiving and there will be a new packet with supplemental materials for next weeks remote lessons. It would be very helpful if you could write the teacher's name on the envelope when you return it. See you tomorrow.
A reminder for families who have students in the "white team" classrooms that packet pick-up is available until 4:00 this afternoon.
Please visit the NEWS section of the website for information on remote packet pick-up. A reminder ALL students will be remote for the week following Thanksgiving.
Please check the website for an update on remote learning following Thanksgiving Break.
When picking up your child at the end of the day, please follow the CDC guidelines of six feet of distancing and wearing a mask. There are many parents picking up students but there is ample room to spread out. Thank you for helping keep our school community healthy and safe.
Menu changes:
Friday, October 23 Nacho chips, salsa, and cheese cup.
Friday, October 30 Turkey & Cheese on a bun
A reminder that school dismisses at 12:00 every Friday, starting today.
Remote student packets can be dropped off and picked up on Tuesday between 8:00 and 1:30.
A reminder that students are released at 1:00 today and there is no school on Monday to honor Indigenous People Day.
Phone and internet are back!
The phones and internet are currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We DO have school on Friday. All workshops were pushed to the start of the school year, so there are not workshop days throughout the year.
CHANGE OF PLANS! Health Access Network advised that they will be holding a flu shot clinic at RSU#67. It is scheduled for October 15th. They will begin at Ella Burr at 7:30am. The forms will be sent home with students today.
Please take some time this weekend to wash your child's masks and water bottle. Regular cleaning increases safety. Thank you.
Starting this week, remote packet return and pick up is changing from Fridays to Mondays (Tuesdays if Monday is a holiday). You can pick up and return your learning packets between 8:00 and 1:30. We will be unable to accept or pass out packets between 1:30 and 2:30 due to dismissal and social distancing protocols.